Look to it that you first turn and THEN brake, otherwise the car wont slide. Here are links to forum threads with all the colour codes etc. Press your turn button and after that hit the brake. When you are done, delete your created file if you no longer need it and restore the original filename of the normal version. Use the in game paint tool to place the new sticker image on your car. Copy the file from the desktop to the folder you loaded the sticker file from in your image editor. A TrackMania Stadium (TM2S) Tutorial in the Other/Misc category, submitted by Ghost1300126 How to Use Custom Car Models TrackMania Stadium Tutorials Ads keep us online. Use Windows Explorer and change the name of the ORIGINAL Sticker file to something else. They can be found in C:\Program Files\TmNationsForever\GameData\Painter\Stickers Open an existing sticker using an image editor such as photoshop or paintshop pro. You cannot exceed the image size or layout. You can also change the stickers in the Paint section of the game.

This speeds up the load time in the game (orange progress bar) of maps and cars for everyone. The LOC file tells other user's computers in the game that your car is available on a separate server. Vista - C:\Documents and Settings\ Youraccount\Documents\TrackMania\Skins\Vehicles\StadiumCar. Windows XP - C:\Users\ Youraccount\Documents\TrackMania\Skins\Vehicles\StadiumCar To the best of my knowledge free users can use and see in the game other players 2D Skins and 3D models from You need to download and save the *.ZIP and *.ZIP.LOC files. I have the free version and may buy the full but am already too addicted lol. Kenguru has commented on it so I assumed it was visible to everyone. EV3RY, let me know if you really cannot see my car in the game.